Scorpio man spoil his wife rules

ScorpioA man's pet wife code:

I love you, so everything to you

Scorpio man love his wife very much, but at the same time also to the requirement of the wife is more, the desire is very strong also, family financial affairs control to push its improvement, make the following pet wife rules:

First of all, the wife was a little girl, with the ability of little women, work hard, xiangfujiaozi must vigorously praise, can not have any cold disdain.Second, wife is in charge of financial affairs, make sure you will all salary, bonus, can not have the behavior of any alternative.

In addition, shall not private assets and financial arrangements have objections to the wife, if the wife has the desire of purchase a car, the husband should be physically, try our best to meet.(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio man spoil his wife rules _ the zodiac

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