Scorpio easily chase men, love is not white, to attack!

Easily chase men, love is not white, toScorpioAttack!

Scorpio man always hidden, like a watch in the dark and bright things in the environment, Scorpio man was born with a strong insight and acuity, can feel and estimate the other people's emotions, thoughts, and possible motive.Scorpio man must hope that the whole world all don't know when to fall in love, or is trying to explore the beloved of all, want to use her X light transparent.Scorpio is inherently psychological experts, they can be very good at keep a secret, if not very can accept the dark side of human nature.(because they encounter will make them learn to self heal and born of the jedi abilities) Scorpio few general friend, unless it is necessary in the history of business, in his classification, only forever friends and enemies.For people who not friend or enemy, he will try to avoid spending too much time and effort on it.

Scorpio man find things and people you love, dedication, don't give yourself room for concessions.For the person you like, often hard to let go, once determined, is reckless, stop at nothing to get.Is a kind of absolute possession state of mind.Because Scorpio represents the birth and death, regeneration and the original desire, is the point of view of Freud, desire is the need for sex and power.Scorpio man is concerned about taboo, death and sex, they will always be brave to explore.A Scorpio boyfriend told me: "dare to commit suicide is a great, having sex is likeHave a mealGeneral health.".In addition, "dare to love dare hate" is their qualities.Some people say that the opposite of love isn't hate, it is not love.Because of their love so strong, by the energy of love turn to hate turn cold, also is very strong.When his absolute standard to use on others, is not allowed in someone else's betrayal, there is a rather I negative language, rather than his my qualities.Because of this, so is his love firmness and precious, a lot of Scorpio man of love and romance is life to keep.Scorpio man desire and love may cause they project their own values on each other's body, yet can't see other people's real needs and ideas, they also tend to have high standards for love.Once he feel worth, pay for love go through fire and water.

Scorpio easily chase men, love is not white, to attack!_ the zodiac

Fall in love with Scorpio man need to do

(1), look for opportunities with his heart go off his guard, to enter into his private areasA womanTo have the opportunity to change from friends to lovers.

(2) he wants you to know to enjoy private life together, and the secret between the two of you will never have to be secret.

(3) know sexy pretty bad woman is very good, of course, otherwise he can appreciate the beauty and the inner personality charm is a woman.

(4) to keep the mystery of the image and the image needs to be protected, you can always choose caused by one of them.

Scorpio (the sun), overall there are four combinations.

A, Scorpio (the sun) +virgo(Venus)

Second, Scorpio (the sun) +libra(Venus)

Three Scorpio, Scorpio (the sun) + (Venus)

Fourth, Scorpio (the sun) +Sagittarius(Venus) (The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio man is very appreciate beauty of personality, of course, if you know when you are very sexy side, especially with his presence and not many people, his mind must be your moment of eternity.Because Scorpio persistence combined with a virgo libra intellectual, have the wisdom of self loyal woman is very attractive to her.If his Venus in Sagittarius, you sudden slayers and lovely, is also a kind of I have seen the charm of flow.He likes you also has a mysterious breath, if you are always in the incessant activity between friends, he'll be very insecure.Women who engaged in the most beautiful, the words used in Scorpio man is also very practical.

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