Scorpio temper


Scorpio temper belongs to the type of dog in the manger

Scorpio emotional ups and downs, joys and often affect the expression and mood.Don't know moderate hair mood at ordinary times, angry doesn't make sense, thus unintentionally offend others don't even know it.Ups and downs of mood, is not healthy for people with yourself.

Scorpio has the worst temper index: 10 degrees

Scorpio love and hate, happiness and sad nature also can deduce enough thoroughly.Is an extreme personality, has nothing to do with yourself, they can look on coldly, high hung.But is such a seemingly cold constellation, mood is fairly quickly, a second may still on the comedy laugh, next second can very angry, and this bad mood will last quite a long time.During this time it is best not to close to the Scorpio, they need space to calm, to think about.When Scorpio sad don't want to say, don't pursue or disturbed, it will only make their bad mood to continue

Scorpio temper _ the zodiac

Scorpio temper girl article:

Scorpio girl always will contend for breath, want to talk to each other when Scorpio feel unfair justice, she is surely not afraid, she thinks god is on her side, she thinks she makes sense to god's will, each other how can you fight with her, when Scorpio girl LP momentum out, can let a person feel she is not like a girl, very strong.(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio temper boy article:

Capricorn can't stand people review the mistake he had made, the psychological is very uneven, Scorpio will have also made a mistake, he will think why others seemed only to find him a person, because Scorpio pretty good at to see other people's fault, so when his review of the victim, he would argue but also to implicate others, make the same mistake, because Scorpio is hope is fair, so if he felt that he was unfairly treated, he will feel that everyone is bad, everyone has had been enemies with him.

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