Scorpio is the most suitable for pet cat: Turkey Angola cat

ScorpioThe most suitable for pet cat: Turkey Angola cat

Scorpio is most suited to raise: Turkey Angola cat

Deep eyes, lurkingThe fireHot passion, the attitude of sexy, sexy avengers Scorpio often takes a hard to resist magnetic charm will you tightly in between.In the scorpion's heart, that the magma of the move, though they don't live in the bay, depression, but with your instincts, can still strongly feel that could erupt at any time.

Scorpio is the most suitable for pet cat: Turkey Angola cat _ the zodiac
Angola cat
(The zodiac /astro/)

Angola cat of Persian ancestry, appearance beautiful, bright personality, bold and unrestrained, comfortable life of love, and this makes them in the inner desire for freedom life idea coincides with mine.Though sensible Scorpio is not really to let his own life, is willing to indulge their cat to achieve psychological balance.

Scorpio is the most suitable for pet cat: Turkey Angola cat related content

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