Libra love leave scar

libraScarred by love

libraLove the scar, convex type scar

These scars not only bring pain itching feeling, and the longer, the more difficult it is to regress, treatment effect is poorer, time will not offset the pain, not only will limit individual body activities.

Libra personality hesitant, but at the time of break up's performance is very natural and unrestrained, his doctrine is the most important thing is that people are living attitude.So he left the intricacies of, ACTS leave inner sadness alone.Along with the time goes by, the scar is the scar on the apex, the longer the clearer.

Many libra somewhat games the posture of the world, meet true love scared to accept instead, mostly because been hurt will remind him, love is easy to hurt it.(The zodiac /astro/)

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