Libra represents the snacks

libraIs the broad beans

Venus, libra is ruled by, and at the same time guardingTaurus.Venus influencing both these signs for "love, beauty and harmony" thinking, however, just as the air element and soil element is essentially the opposite of differences, they to "love, beauty and harmony" behavior has also different.Libra, and Taurus love of beauty, but libra taking dazzle beautiful luxury line, and Taurus low-key costly vastly different.Although they all love shopping, Taurus will spend their money on the knife edge, if it is not in order to express the overflowing emotions, if not done shopping reference work in advance, they don't cut in pay.But the libraTo buy things, is really only a Feel beautiful, Feel, or not practical, buy to say again first.Had a narrow squeak often buy home and then forget to the original, don't remember the price, otherwise definitely want to cut myself.

So, such as natural romantic libra, the sign of the lazy life, what snacks can represent them?

Libra represents the snacks _ the zodiac

The answer is: beef flavor beans!

Libra, like beans, the presence of a broad bean, as if is full of joy, love and peace.After all, who have the heart to refuse delicious beans?Indeed, most of the libra things are inattentive, almost what was in his hands, as if lost timeliness.Even if push him, he will also be indifferent smile.However, it is a libra of treatment is not interested in things.For shopping, gossip gossip, path information, he is very keen, will ask incessantly pester message source.Because of these but he ke tooth material after communication.

Lovable delicious beans again, looks like comfortable and can speak good libra.But libras don't often in front of others to talk about themselves.What did they say a friend recently, and which country where there is exhibition and sale, and what has happened, as omniscient, but is not to do your own thing.Because they're used to maintain elegance, afraid of telling too many own trivial things will damage his image.So, when libra began to tell you gush about private affairs, means he is very trust you, even in the subconscious is asked you for help, rely on to you.(The zodiac /astro/)

They can easily deal with interpersonal relationship, only for his own life and past cannot solution set.They can be said to be "the silt but not imbrued", bright appearance, but the room is "casual" to make people dumbfounded.Love shopping libra, the planning about money is what to do.Will they take to use fewer things to sell, they have trouble!But, in truth, this world there's plenty they bother!

Libra represents the snacks

The duke of zhou interprets of query