Adaptive constellation libra

libraThe adaptation of the constellation

Balance the best matching is balance, Gemini, Sagittarius, virgo and Taurus, can last forever is most weigh, while Taurus is also a pretty good sign (especially for female scales).Aquarius also is very suitable, because both of you like lively and the love of beauty, but a little slippery bottle.Balance the worst pair is ram (although balance sheep often attracted to each other) and Scorpio.

Adaptation _ the zodiac constellation libra

Libra vs libra

Scales life mission is "relationship", weigh with love just like a wisp of breeze.Scales love scales like a popularity to myself in the mirror and heart of love (translator: good daffodils!), you have equivalent of intelligence, the same courtesy and manners, your JNL dazzling to each other.Elegant dinner, roof party, festival...

GeminiVs libra

Very good combination, scales double this will have a lot in common, you two can play each other outstanding aspects of personality.

When the two meet a flashy signs, based on the two of you are curious about each other, can quickly.You two are simply relax, make the relationship feel relaxed.All things that you would be keen to share views and to participate in cultural activities, may be inseparable.Scales like entertainment, and Gemini is a public figure.

This made for each other is only an obstacle, is communication will only stay in the shallow level of sublimate love is not love.Gemini will only stay around a lover for a short period of time, the balance will find that the question of the nature of a.Balance will feel Gemini is not serious, especially on "to cultivate a relationship".

SagittariusVs libra

This relationship is based on both of them are dumped by each other's flirting, flirting and talkative.Not take long before they can know each other's things ask a bottom.Along with the development of emotion, the balance will take the lead in cold treatment, which can make relationship slow pace and gradually into the adaptive phase, however, once the balance did not do this, you'll be nervous, unsure what to do.

Balance this not very decent but still sincere cold treatment, could make the case to the direction of the negative cautious scales, however, but a cold treatment process to remove the scales dedication of true love, this relationship can get deepening and the sublimation.

virgoVs libra

Scales love social, can automatically talked for hours on end, this and virgo is not too much social and skilled in criticism, pick someone else's sting just the opposite.Virgo's tireless pick fault with everything ahead will make balance.

Difficulties are also here, but the scales have a same side, like a harmonious home, clean, noble way of life - full of excellence.Although weighed in with the feelings expressed in the is a little cold, but they still enjoy the tacit understanding between each other, and never.

TaurusVs libra

Scale cattle all the Venus rules, a powerful material attract them neglected the personality.This pair is not too bad.If both sides know step back seasky, more understand each other, there will be love is harmonious.Scale cattle are willing to share the finer things in life, mental and physical harmony done will make you a happy marriage.(The zodiac /astro/)

When things are running well, you can be happy happy life, but a but things go wrong, your relationship is over.If you are a rich husband and wife, your marriage is most heaven, but if you are rich husband and wife, a miserable fate.

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