The favorite time of a disclosure: Aries

Disclosure:AriesThe miss time

The most beautiful time: my childhood

The most beautiful memory: together with friendsA fightPlay,

Miss index: u u u u

Aries isThe zodiacMiss most of my childhood, because at the time of childhood, personality publicity of Aries is friend of maximum strength, hands and feet the most flexible, courage is also one of the biggest.At the time, Aries is acclaimed by the junior group, became the king of Kings.

The favorite time of a disclosure: Aries _ the zodiac

(the zodiac/astro /)

However, with the passage of time, Aries is all the more feel the pain of growth.They found that simply by powerful strength obtains the affirmation of the outside can no longer be.Many time, want to do one thing well, not only require strength, and more in need of wisdom and patience, and those, is the Aries was short-tempered lack.

The favorite time of a disclosure: Aries related content

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