Ram man say to the goddess of the key points of success

Ram man say to the goddess of the key points of success

Trick modes: gentle type

The specific operation: being a goddess "slave"

To win the key: to show willing

AriesThe boy's biggest weakness is is so short-tempered, haven't met with each other for several times, was running dry dry land to tell each other so serious word "I love you".In fact, the Aries boy completely unnecessary out directly with naked declared before do all kinds of bedding is the most important thing.

Ram male to goddess _ the zodiac key of success

(The zodiac /astro/)

Aries boy remember in everyday when the goddess "slave", including bags, mechanic, ATM, etc...Show the infinite respect to them.At the time of the time to determine, with a deep feeling full of small hint.For example: "they aredrinkingI'll call you in."And then let the friend beside cooperate, one said, "you go to dozen go home again", said another "her a message he shall keep the along while, you don't let him play he would die."

Ram male goddess to vindicate the key point of success

The duke of zhou interprets of query