When Aries pick up windfall

whenAriesPick up the windfall

Events: Aries after see the purse and pick it up immediately, immediately streets crazy run, shout loudly: whose wallet?Whose wallet?...

It immediately attracted a large following, each claim made his wallet, ram too bored, shouted, "don't make so much noise!Don't make so much noise!Good points!"Then the people began to carve up the money."You have one, you a, you a, he a, I'm a...(the purse in the struggle, died)

Ram: ha ha!Heaven windfall!Don't white, anyway I is helpful enough (he is helpful enough to god?.Have half a month cost of living have drop off, hee hee...(he wants to know is the god and don't know the wallet still laugh don't laugh)

God thinks: the greedy ghost!Even not greedy!Stupid!I must punish him!(god on second thought, stupid is guilty?Or forget it...) (The zodiac /astro/)

When Aries pick up windfall _ the zodiac

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