Biography of parsing Aries, "the harem Zhen Huan kei wives

AriesResolution:Despite what people think of what you do, natural line of power, but the ram is one track-minded, don't know circuitous, quarreling performance is obvious.Under the outspoken character lead, the ram are not to bite the child ugly Yin bases oath, don't give up.

Biography of parsing Aries, "the harem Zhen Huan kei and _ the zodiac

Corresponding figures - kei wives: kei good wives guar's (the original GuanWen spend their honeymoons. / /) with their origins and feminine beauty, and volunteered to live in when entering the palace broken jade xuan, intended to close to the emperor.Followed by kei and attached to the queen, in fights with zhen home in this war, if the queen is behind the commander in chief, kei and ACTS as a hatchet man is from the front.Zhen way was, kei wives and her family as all the publicity work, leads to rehabilitate the first settlement and her family.Just, kei wives again bullying is a simple concubines, can only be used in front of the queen's great all the pieces.The queen has given her so-called "red agate string", are actually harm a person can'tpregnancySpices, she didn't suspect.

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