Ram male suits to do in life

Ram male, the most suitable for the elder brothers

Advise to female female, for if you feelings for ram around you just the elder brothers, so at first you must must must resist him fire!Don't fall!Because the ram male belong to the violent temperament male.Don't get you destroy you ever!!!!!!!!!!!!Ram male belong to the brains of simple type, once take a fancy to one of the girls is just like the people's liberation army attack fort!See more fierce?!Downside is that it is easy to lose patience with one thing, there are too self.Note that ram is the first palace, on behalf of the self.Is the ram male basic it is selfishness, his first great regard for others.This is also very bossy and selfish if you ask me 12 constellation men the most domineering, I really feel is a ram.

Life what _ the zodiac ram male suits to do

(The zodiac/ astro) with ram male do the elder brothers, first of all, they are very handout spirit, is also a good type of face, it is a bit like a lion men, in front of girls, ram like performance, and ram and a action, at the time of the party, ram was busy, usually, as long as see beauty, his mood is good!Although is a poser it = = but they put in place oh, feel at home at ever!Ram male super like ambiguous, he nearby of the girl must be a lot of, but ram belongs to the types of non-ferrous heart no desire for sex, they also enjoy this feeling of wander between ambiguity and the elder brothers.In ram male point of view, more know beauty, they are a graceful, belong to if you have aAriesThe elder brothers, you must not be sloppy, at least when you go out to play to him, must be beautiful!Ram is a big child, a child, a good fun always know particularly fast, this with Leo man ah, Gemini man ah, like, is all wet person!Woo hoo!

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