Despite the lovely place

AriesA lovely place

The most invincible chat directly

Aries girl the most lovely place, is is simple and direct personality, often say some innocent and lovely topic, this increasingly rare writing individuality, most boys can't resist!If you want to play your own lovely, when you speak, try to smile, it makes ram girl gave off the fragrance of more approachable, even if the words are a little idiot, but most of the boys should not mind!

Ram naturally have a thorough knowledge of the childish, impulse, love adventure, impatient...Is naive.The sign of the ram is actually has a lot of ideas, when he found that he cannot achieve the purpose of, he will choose roguing, dress up as poor...In the name of lovely, will naturally go anywhere, ever victorious.Ram is changed decayed for magical role.(The zodiac /astro/)

Despite the loveliness of _ the zodiac

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