What's on following the Aries

AriesWhat is behind?


What's on following the Aries _ the zodiac

Aries date of birth (3.21-4.20)

Taurus date of birth (4.21-5.20)

Taurus (The English nameTo: Taurus), covers an area of 797.25 square, account for 1.933% of the day, all day in 88 in the constellation, 17 out area.Taurus bright stars in 5.5 in 98, the brightest star for Aldebaran (alpha) Taurus, apparent magnitude of 0.85.Every year on November 30, Taurus center after midnight on transit.Taurus is famous the eclipticThe zodiacAldebaran, which is located near the ecliptic, and it also is in near the eclipticLeoRegulus,ScorpioAntares, the southern fish, four star Fomalhaut, etc on the celestial sphere about 90 °, the difference between each season just one, they are collectively known as probably the "four major Kings".

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, is the first "earth sign" signs of the zodiac, so also known as the "earth like a baby".As the name suggests, he is a real "cow";And it is a "golden" (material) features, possessive of cattle.The Taurus people seem innately have depression and depressive personality.When the cumulative to the vertex, will be like a volcano burst open.They work in the zodiac is the most diligent, hard work, perseverance;Patience, endurance and toughness is its characteristics.They believe that the joy of love, beauty and rich, is the proof of existence of life, as well as the faith of his truth, for this purpose;They will choose the safest, does route (usually long brewing and thoughtful conclusion), once determined, no one can change it.They are loyal, sincere, considerate, practical, not grandiose, forthright and sincere, responsible, emphasizes the rules and rationality in all things.Like the new idea and would take the time to contact, that is a self perfect person;Their productivity of material and at the same time, also is superior.

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