Aries hard candy is just in the heart

  AriesThe in the mind of candy

  Aries: the contradiction between internal and social norms

Aries heart hard candy is just what _ the zodiac

  (The zodiac /astro/)

Aries hard candy just is the contradiction between internal and social norms.They give a person the sense of abrupt impulse from the outset, think they do things without thinking, simple-minded limbs developed.In fact, he have been considered before suddenly appeared to move with the struggle, though not very detailed, but not absolutely no brain idiot.Just, Capricorn is always more to yearn for a simple life, and for social intercourse felt strange and weak.See your true idea, and give it to breathing space.Everyone is a dark and light, good and evil of the body, sometimes need to get up the courage to break the bondage of some society in your heart.

Aries hard candy is just what the related content in your heart

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