Aries's relationship with 12 zodiac signs

  AriesRelations with 12 zodiac signs

  Aries &Pisces: good partners

  Aries &Aquarius:: sworn brothers

Aries & Capricorn: don't see each other eyes

  Aries &Sagittarius: it's a friend and lover

  Aries &Scorpio: easy to have a special feeling

  Aries &libra: love and hate

  Aries &virgo: relationship is a bit vague

  Aries &Leo: a clap and close

  Aries &cancer: a little bit different no common goal, no common cause to cooperate

  Aries &Gemini: super good friends

  Aries &Taurus: comedy duo

Aries & Aries: either like-minded or see each other not pleasing to the eye

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