Scorpio people love mstching game

  ScorpioPeople love mstching game

(1) Scorpio man VSAriesIf Scorpio and Aries people want to bear the fruit of love, I'm afraid is not easy.Because Scorpio and Aries is opposite in the personality, it is easy to criticize each other each other shortcomings.

Aries people don't like fame, Scorpio is not form the joys and sorrows, to suppress their emotions in the bottom of my heart, so if it is a right place, right time and right, in fact, it is full for each other.Because the two individual character

Just a Yin and Yang, if Yin, that is happy.

(2) Scorpio man VSTauruspeople

Taurus and Scorpio man possessive and passionate, so the Taurus and Scorpio also is a good match.Taurus both male and female, always a bit along with the gender, a pair of the appearance of indifference, in fact Taurus people are very heavy sentiment, because Scorpio and Taurus also don't like fancy, personality is very simple, so, if that common goal, each other can help each other, and is helpful to each other, there must be a satisfactory result.

(3) Scorpio man VSGeminipeople

Scorpio and less prone to between Gemini love flame, but Scorpio people are often attracted by Gemini wit and wisdom man talk.

Although Scorpio people will be attracted by the glamour of Gemini, but there can be no love for a long time, may be full smoothly at the beginning, but as long as a long period of time, Scorpio people gradually will feel each other somewhat aloof, then will feel a little disappointed to each other.

(4) Scorpio man VScancerpeople

Because Scorpio and cancer are similar in personality, so naturally started dating, then fall in loveTo get marriedScorpio, and cancer is the most compatible for each other.Because Scorpio and cancers are not quite pay attention to appearance and more attention to the connotation of people and economic ideas are similar to each other, materialistic is roughly same, especially psychological know very well about each other.But because Scorpio people are emotional, so occasionally because of this, and make some balance each other's feelings.

(5) Scorpio man VSLeopeople

Leo's bold, cheerful, tolerant to Scorpio people is a great charm.Although people of Scorpio and Leo on the way of life is very different, but as long as each other sincerely love each other, these are not a problem.Especially in Scorpio and Leo in the aspect of "sex" is very harmonious, is very suitable for each other, so just a lit the flame of love, will be at your best energy to burn, belongs to dry and pure type fire of love.

(6) Scorpio man VSvirgopeople

As virgo people thought quite close, and innocence, so for love is not positive, Scorpio

People is subjective, virgo people objective, rational nature, so basically not harmonious.Boy if virgo and Scorpio girl to get married, often because of an affair finally ended in divorce.Scorpio people usually are calm and composed, but as long as suspicious want to ask what comes next, cause noise, affect the feelings.

But virgos neurotic, often also is unable to stand, a bigger space to each other.

(7) Scorpio man VSlibraScorpio and libra people because of the outlook on life and way of life completely different, so the prospect is not optimistic, love and marriage is not easy to understand each other, if must have forced reluctantly together, there is always one party will break up, in the end will be similar.

Scorpio people grow is and the person love, because be the person flexible social finesse, wide circle of friends and lively, cheerful personality, and the person will suction by Scorpio people composed cautious and mysterious

If each other all don't want to get too far, since the natural state of development, they help each other improve feelings.

Scorpio man VS Scorpio (8)

Due to a fellow Scorpio man, so personality similar, since fell in love and at the moment of bursts with the spark of passion.With each other is very stubborn, but also can have through the observation of each other mind, so in front of the mirror to each other as if feeling, no matter where on the one hand, is a tacit understanding between each other, can be said to be made, with other signs of the opposite sex when love has no sense of security.Because Scorpio people deep having-no-choice, usually quite calm on the surface, but once the long out of love, will become a pair of passionate lovers.

(9) Scorpio man VSSagittariuspeople

Scorpio and Sagittarius is not belong to the pure love between people, rather than meat mixed with spirit and desire of love.Scorpio man as long as the estrogen will pour into your all feelings, so can make Sagittarius person very touched, but don't be too bound Sagittarius person's freedom, don't every day in Sagittarius person's side, a side out, if doesn't even have the spirit of freedom, then Sagittarius people might try to escape.For Sagittarius is the most important is free, although also be pour into all the enthusiasm to the person I love, but Sagittarius people also attaches great importance to spiritual freedom, hate being bound.

Scorpio (10) vs Capricorn

Scorpio and Capricorn people generally speaking all full can get to know each other, which have in common with each other, you will like Scorpio people expected, in the steady development of emotion, not rushed.

Day dragon's bridge and magadha, like people don't do a thing is too conspicuous, is step by step, down-to-earth to the pursuit of the ideal of life.Because Scorpio and Capricorn are joys and sorrows is not to the people of color, no matter in what ways are very harmonic Scorpio and Capricorn is very similar in personality, so even if the relationship between people of Scorpio and Capricorn is very short but can also be satisfied between each other, this is beyond the Ken of outsiders.

Scorpio man VS (11)Aquarius:people

Frankly, Aquarius and day dragon's person is unlikely to become intimate lovers.Dragon's day people like to keep their own privacy, live in their own world.Although both intellectual curiosity is very strong, but makes them not, and Aquarius are opposite personality is opposite, so can't get along.Scorpio people don't go reluctantly and Aquarius people, Scorpio and Aquarius people also don't want to be close to people.Like novelty and halfback, Aquarius people like others praise, and

Scorpio may not be so, even trying to do is in vain, not what may be the deep feelings.

Scorpio man VS (12)PiscesScorpio and Pisces people less prone to love between seedlings, but Scorpio people were often Pisces people attracted by the words wit.Although Scorpio people will be attracted by the glamour of Pisces people, but don't necessarily have the result.May be full smoothly at the beginning, but as long as a long period of time, Scorpio people gradually will feel each other is a bit too cold, then will feel a little disappointed to each other.Although Pisces man is good to please others, Scorpio and Pisces people what each other needs is not the same, difficult to live together.

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