Capricorn interview guide

Capricorn interview guide _ the zodiac

Cause heart strongCapricorn, it is easy to man and superman, women impression to the person, let the interviewer already feel you will have a great threat to him.Absolutely avoid clothing cutting line is too clean, blue black suit can free is free.Women blouse optional wear cotton material, pure and fresh and natural wind more approachable.If have to wear formal, you can choose design and color design is lively and tie or a brooch, and you are overly ambitious aura.

Capricorn interview guide

Capricorn people belong to the attentive people, earth sign of pragmatic and practical rigorous logic, the combination of qualities and Saturn in the stage of resume their company to the other party can have a systematic thinking and review.Due to the traditional ruler Saturn, rules and the influence of such traits as conservative, Capricorn interview or say when in contact with others can give a person the sense with self-serious, steadfast.Also because of various traits mentioned above, Capricorn person in the field of work experience will be very strong, this is very good.

But the problem is that the sign of the Capricorn is slow, not fast reaction, rollerblading, the type of work, so, for dynamic and rapid innovation, industry position is Capricorn people don't fit, even if does not need to apply for the position by the requirement, but also hard to avoid can jointly and severally be penalised by industry itself characteristics.This especially in Capricorn people decided to try different positions to consider.There may be too stiff and the interview, do not relax, really want lively or sedate, to depend on each other's company, which happen to be a Capricorn person easily neglected during the interview, because the focus too much on the job itself.

In addition, the interview to pay more attention to Capricorn too pay attention to idea bring purpose strong heart the feeling of each other.This problem still comes from Saturn, careful and logical positive aspects of Saturn will make goat to resume and job description on feeling very strong logicality and very compact, but on the personal development and target, also has brought the persistent feeling, regardless of what is to the left of the express company, Capricorn person go do things follow certain rules and rules, if the present of the Capricorn is because the last company to do things not completed, or two companies in the business and self-development, old and new roads have the relations, for the Capricorn people are good, of course, they have the opportunity to continue to close to the target bit by bit, but too persistent feeling will bring bad constraint, stubborn, or said the interviewer feel ambition.An interview each other, of course, would not necessarily have a clear concept, but this kind of fuzzy feeling will not give you points, but left a "painfully son has idea, is a set of self, maybe not easy fusion new team" the sense impression.

Capricorn interview faux pas

Too seriously, slow reaction of the individual character, can let a Capricorn who during an interview.In response, Capricorn might inadvertently reveals the longing for achievements, although the actual, but can let a person feel too reality!


Show their thinking rigorous strengths is necessary, but don't think too much, just as important as witty response.Might as well and show their own advantages, for example: positive and pragmatic attitude, no one can, and the spirit of hard work and discipline, but remember that your purpose of convergence, so as not to let a person feel threatened to you.

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