Scorpio is the dalai

Scorpio is the dalai _ the zodiac

SagittariusThe person has a cool head, thinking agile, is that which is the practitioner.This character with AB reason and "self-centered", it forms the spirit of full of adventure, trial and error, and philosophers to decisively abandoned have proved failed experiment determination.You hear something new, often cannot help wanting to go to try, to experience the taste, those who do not belong to their experience of things, the presence of strong will try to urge.The way you right also has "a frank tong exactly" candid personality, do you think "right is right, wrong is wrong, don't like beating around the bush mei the conscience to speak.You hate slow and any unclean thing, in the first moment, was determined to make something that is clear, the next second is the resorts to put his new things, straight into another new goals.You are both cute and full of charm of unique temperament, though less perseverance and perseverance, also does not have good self-control, but he is still to make others willing to get along with partner.

Sagittarius independent spirit is very strong, the boys like its own will, than be disciplined by others.But their enthusiasm, optimistic, no matter in the emotional, or in thinking, always filled with great enthusiasm.But this kind of enthusiasm often wait to receive a broken mirage, even so, they were still played very well, but this optimistic most of the time is only a kind of optimistic blindly, without any basis, without any meaning, perhaps just because his vision is always toward the new horizon, yearning for the distant countries.

He is very sincere to the love, is a man of emotional.Of his favorite people will behave very selfless and generous, and hope to the satisfaction of everyone around and happiness.When he found himself has become the pillar of the family, he would to the family and society to produce a strong feelings and responsibility, and he likes to think of like arrangement of family life, at the same time respect everyone's independence and complete freedom of action.

Sagittarius girls mood volatile: for one thing suddenly very sad, sometimes no origin of be agitated, melancholy.But SagittariusA womanHe is very kind, like children, sympathy for the weak, often like a keen, dare to love dare to hate.-

Sagittarius girls self-esteem: to compare the self, sensitive, also very fragile.When feel belittled, misunderstood will be very angry.To grasp the things would rather give up, because that would make her insecurity.Floating feeling often let their confusion, the most important thing is that they are not like this kind of can't find his feelings.-

Sagittarius girls like freedom: this is the freedom of mind and body, they often want very spontaneously and do like to do, say to want to say.This makes them feel happy.


But you are a handout spirit, the premise is friends didn't betray you, if betrayed you, but you will be very carefully for revenge, so everybody has good and bad opinion of you, but in fact, you are not really play the bad person, sometimes only becomes extreme force be nasty, heart is very eager to security, wish is to have a rob don't walk lover.

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