Ram woman unique style of autodyne

Ram woman unique style of autodyne _ the zodiac

Character and lively, free and easy lifeAries, take time, of course, also to maintain his own constellation style, pouting lips, elevation of 45 degrees, on tiptoe, side face...Expressions must not less.And with a forthright character ram, take also in, has made no secret.

Ram woman: charming and lovely

Ram female character as the yes MAN, flat surface frank, mild but heart also need take good care.Take the ram of the female is generally with a childish face, twinkling eyes water, innocence is her most want to reflect.While they also is in commonly take fashion small silly, doodle mouth, emitting a bobo feminine lovely wireless signal, as a ruthless killer otaku.

Character: it's very beautiful and very proud.I love the feeling of be embraced surrounded.The in the mind with the idea would be desperate to achieve, to express love, also have the courage to bear the pain of love.Write often melodramatic words like what of, but the speech is always reveal a childlike innocence and candor.

Style: freedom, don't like bondage, simple and direct shooting style is most suited to ram a female.

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