How Scorpio in double end alone

How Scorpio in double end alone _ the zodiac

The annual double ten is coming again, are you still single wang?Single wang actually also has the advantages of single wang, such as didn't even need to think about their own pay treasure today password is wrong to lose three times, ha ha ha, that is single Wang Ziji silently to comfort myself a way, if there is an opportunity, single wang said oneself want to bleeding, too!Alas, no way, it seems only let's take a look atScorpioHow to put one end alone, small make up can only help here, try again next year.

Scorpio: sharing the afternoon tea with friend

Scorpio man andAriesLeoOn the contrary, quiet don't like, soSingles dayOne day theyA blind dateActivity is not cold, friends, and more inclined to seek an elegant environment, quiet place, together with her best friend, enjoy the warm and cozy afternoon tea time, borrow the tipsy confide heart loneliness, or sharp ridicule love, marriage, all sorts of trouble, in short, Scorpio's sad will halve by Shared sidekick.

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