Children to test
Dream of children to test, portends a luck, at ordinary times should pay attention to saving and money...[details]
Missed the test
Dream of missed test, indicate the recently although very dominant direction and decision power...[details]
The exam will not
Wouldn't dream of exam, which indicated the recent good luck, will bring good luck, and have...[details]
Bonus represents one kind of honor, the dream of bonus, is the symbol of reputation.A few...[details]
Your promotion
As an ancient symbol of power.In a dream, a promotion symbol for power with yourself...[details]
The teacher family visit
Dream of the teacher family visit, indicate the exam will get good grades.Dream of the teacher family visit,...[details]
Reward in my dream, is a symbol of good luck and ascend.Dream of reward, show that you are a...[details]
Dictation dream, its meaning depends on specific situation.Dream of dictation, show your heart...[details]
Graduated from dream, is a symbol of status and wealth.Dreamed of graduation, show you...[details]
Solve crimes
Solve crimes usually refers to through investigation found out the cause for some disputes, accident and...[details]
The school
Want to go to school at home, in school want to go home.A lot of people have this feeling.The school...[details]
Draft plan
Draft plan is the first step in a lot of things must be carried out by the idea.Draft plan in my dream...[details]
Eager to accept the education
Everyone will have exhausted of time, the so-called books to square hate less.Of course not a...[details]
The reception
The reception is to some more or by some authoritative person live...[details]
On guard
On guard to protect of certain things.In a dream, on guard said within yourself...[details]
Study grammar
Study grammar in dreams represent after deliberation by some kind of decision....[details]