Dream of singing karaoke

What is the meaning of dream of singing karaoke?Dream dream of singing karaoke OK or not?Dream of singing karaoke with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of singing karaoke detailed solution.

Dream of singing karaoke

Sing symbol of joy and excitement, said the wedding is coming.Dream of singing, means that with the help of others to achieve his wish.

Dream about in sing karaoke, showing a dreamer dissatisfied with a real life or a desire for sex.

If the dream of everyone's applause for oneself, has said the dreamer hope their new relationship can be recognized by all.

If the dreamer is conducting a secret love, dream of their own to stand alone in the KTV to sing loudly.

Traders dream of singing karaoke means of friends help can be expected, suggest that might as well the nerve to help others;

Workers dream of singing karaoke means elders, superiors or influential people will pull yourself a timely;

Young people dream of singing karaoke means the dreamer with intelligence, have the opportunity to fine & assist others.

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