
在英文中,"睡夢中驚醒"可以翻譯為 "wake up from a dream" 或者 "awaken from sleep"。如果你想要表達的是突然間因為做夢而驚醒,可以用 "to be startled awake by a dream" 或者 "to wake up suddenly due to a nightmare"。

如果你想要描述的是因為夢境太過真實或者夢中發生了可怕的事情而驚醒,你可以說 "I had a vivid dream that was so real, I woke up in a panic." 或者 "The dream was so scary, it made me jump out of bed."

如果你想要表達的是因為外界的聲音、光線或者其他乾擾而驚醒,你可以說 "I was awakened by a loud noise outside." 或者 "The bright light coming through the window woke me up."

